Are You Watching Closely?

Well, this is another late review, but what the heck.
I actually already wrote a lengthy review about The Prestige(2006), but I decided to scrap it. The thing is, the movie is so complex and twisted, that it'll impossible for me to explain the story, without spoiling it for everyone.
So, let me just start it by saying: "It's a great movie", "a must watch", "Definitely one of the best I've seen this year".
I can also tell, that it was adapted from Christopher Priest's award winning novel of the same title, which centers on the rivalry between two magicians: Alfred Borden (played by Christian Bale) and Rupert Angier (played by Hugh Jackman) , who at first were friends and colleagues, but end up bitter enemies.
With Christopher Nolan at helm, currently the 'it' director in Hollywood, the movie took a familiar pattern like his other work, the critically acclaimed Memento, and Batman Begins(2005), in that, he tells the story in a non-linear fashion.
And Nolan prove again that he's a master in this kind of storytelling. Instead of making it pretentious or difficult to follow, it actually kept the suspense and the thrill of the story. Sure you have to paid a lot of attention, and think once in a while, but it was well worth it.
While Nolan pulling the strings behind the camera, the actors didn't do too badly either, especially the two actors. Hugh Jackman shined as Angier, potraying that obsessiveness when trying to discover the secret of Borden magic act. And Bale is equally fascinating as always, never failed in delivering that twisted, dark minded character. Jackman actually surprised me. It looked like he's being typecast because of his role as Wolverine, but in Prestige he showed that he can really act.
In short, The Prestige is a treat for someone who appreciate character depth, and complex storytelling. Although I had to remind you, that if you watched it waiting for the 'big reveal', like Nolan did at Memento, then you're gonna be disappointed. But the movie is so much more than a surprised ending. Thing with surprised ending is, once you know "it", the rest of the movie wouldn't be as good anymore if you watch it again. And I can safely say that's not the case with Prestige, it'll make you want to watch it again and again, and again.
Labels: movie review, The Prestige